When coaching the Agoura girls U14 all-star soccer team at the AYSO National Games in Hawaii, I pointed to the mountain and told the girls that is where we are going, to the top. I told them we are getting to the top one game at at time and we will not enjoy the view until we get there. One last look at the mountain and we started our week-long journey to the championship. One game at a time, never looking ahead, only focused on our current opponent. Isn't it true when we set our goals in the business world, it's much easier to focus on one task, one sale or one report and to build on each success or completed task which allows for the overall goal to be realized. Every step up the mountain has potential pitfalls and even setbacks but overcoming and pressing on can take you to the top. If my group focused on selling 65 homes in January, forgetting we had twelve months to do it in, we would have panicked, lost focus and forgot that we needed to sell just one at at time to reach the ultimate number. Jump back to that week in Hawaii and the girls kicked butt one game at a time and we found ourselves at the top of the mountain in the championship game. We eventually lost in double overtime but all the girls left that game knowing they had reached the top of the mountain and found out the views were sensational.
Here is a shot of that amazing team and the accompanying write up: ALOHA—An incredible season for the girls' U-14 Red Bull All-Star soccer team from Westlake and Agoura concluded with a runner-up finish at the AYSO National Games in Hawaii. Pictured in the front is Bailey Byers. Second row, from left: Kelsey McLaughlin, Bridget Brennan, Nicole Davis, Kinsey McLaughlin. Third row: Leah Dehmohseni, coach Rich Clark, Shiroo Ashtari, Maya Aviezer, Jessica Clark, head coach David McLaughlin, Taylor Harmon, Julie Watson, Brittany Cunningham, Natalie Fersht and coach Reza Dehmohseni. Lauren Ashton and Jenna Haffamier aren't pictured.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
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