The McLaughlin Group Team

The McLaughlin Group Team

Thursday, April 21, 2011

BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 64 Did You Hear Me

Funny how selective hearing is developed over time. It starts when we are too young to even understand the phrase, but it can get you in trouble. Watching TV, can't hear mom yelling at me to clean the room. Watching a cute girl in class, but don't hear the teacher remind me about the test the next day. Listening to a great song, missed the comment from my wife to pick up cat litter. It becomes a major problem in the office with a team of 7 when we are all busy at our computers and someone alerts me of an important issue or meeting with a client and I don't hear it; she's standing right at my desk and I don't hear a word. Maybe if she would have yelled touchdown, I might have heard it.

This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!

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