Here is a whopper of what's wrong with the way we go about things! All cash buyer with monthly dues of about $500 per month in a particular park. Park association has denied based on the lack of income but yet the buyer shows assets, liquid and property, that would allow this buyer to pay dues until the ripe age of 212 years old. So imagine, moderate retirement income yet super large bank account. This is probably is the most qualified buyer this residential community has ever seen and yet they want to see income of 3 times the dues...LUDICROUS! Having rules is important but when common sense is removed from the equation, you have to scratch your head in disbelief. I am sure we will work this out but PLEASEEEEE.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 45 Ludicrous
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 44 Another New Listing
We love this property! The mountain, ocean and city light views are fantastic.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Another New Listing
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 43 New Listing
Check out this new listing we have in Moorpark in the gated community of Trieste Belfiori. We don't see very many properties come up in this neighborhood, so it's a great opportunity for only $724,000.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
New Listing
Monday, March 28, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 42 The Best of You
Have you ever wondered if someone is getting the best of you?. In real estate, agents often worry if another agent is getting the best of them or in the midst of a transaction a seller worries that a buyer may be taking advantage of them. The Foo Fighters sing a cool song about someone getting the best of you. What if in each transaction, relationship, or circumstance in life we focused on "getting the best from you" instead of "getting the best of you." Bring it home and ask yourself are our clients, associates, kids getting the best from us. Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best from us. That is our groups goal.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Best of You
Sunday, March 27, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 41 Contingencies
Does it make sense that contingencies remain in effect until a buyer removes them or a seller issues a notice to perform? Even if the seller issues the notice to perform and the buyer refuses to remove them, the seller may then cancel the agreement but what seller right now, really wants to do that? They would only do that if they had someone else lined up to pay more and multiple offers in this market are very rare. The buyers deposit is not subject to a seller laying claim to it unless the buyers breach the contract, that is they remove all their contingencies and then do not perform. This is it in a nutshell, but always consult with legal counsel for advice on the implications of these various contractual matters.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 40 Change
Anxious, unsettled, comfortable but wanting more, I decided to leave my former office and join the team at Keller Williams. Nothing to complain about and never mistreated, just looking to get out of my comfort zone. I had almost made the switch 4 years earlier but this time it was clear, and I was ready. I attended a conference in Austin and that sealed it. I knew where I wanted the team to go and I could see the mountain, so comfort was no longer an option. Change is littered with self doubt but also mixed with excitement and fear and the combination of those two emotions are powerful tools of motivation. I can say that The McLaughlin Group is now out of our comfort zone and would not dare say cruising along smoothly in the jet stream. What should be said is that we are striving to cruise but don't mind a little turbulence.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, March 25, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 39 A Tough Week
New office and the move, 6 closings this week, and lots of fires to put out right before all of these close. Flat on my back in the sunshine of the new office, relaxed that this week is over. This was a wild roller coaster ride and many of the issues will stay behind the scenes. What do I need? Our own Doctor of Chiropractor, Craig Sanchez, husband of The McLaughlin Group team member Shawn, who operates his practice out of Simi Valley. So here is Craig's number, and we will see you at the Doctor's office - 818-917-9406.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tough Week
Thursday, March 24, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 38 Homes and Land

Hey, check out our cover on Homes and Land. They informed us that this cover is up for consideration for the National Homes and Land Cover of the Year. This is the property at 3737 Medea Creek and it is a beautiful home which is currently in escrow. We use many avenues at The McLaughlin Group to showcase all of our sellers' properties. I will ask them if we can have a pool party this weekend :)
Homes and Land
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 37 New Team Member

What a great day! Janet Morton has decided to be a part of The McLaughlin Group. A non-family member but the relationship goes way back. We have had the privilege of selling two homes for her family. She has lived in the community for 24 years and is in a unique position to understand how our group functions. We look forward to her enabling us to be better at what we do. We are super excited about what she brings to the group and are eager for all of you to have a chance to get to meet her.
This is Dave, of The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
New Team Member
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 36 Tortoise Heat
Here is a wild instruction from a seller to my sister Kelly on an open house day. On this particular day, it was over 85 degrees and Kelly had dressed very professionally (skirt & high heels). Here are the instructions: "Kelly, there is a female tortoise down the street who is in heat and our tortoise, Moses, has been attempting to break through the fence to reach his love." By the way, Moses is not a California Desert Tortoise but a 75 pound African Tortoise. Sure enough, Moses breaks through the fence answering the Call of the Wild and beelines for the young female. As people are coming through the open house, Kelly is down the dirt trail attempting to fight against mother nature and turn Moses around. Kelly described him as a 250 pound fullback going for the end zone. All ended well except for Moses, who was prevented from spreading the love! Moses is moving soon and hopes to find a new love in his new neighborhood.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tortoise Heat
Monday, March 21, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 35 The Captain
Who is in charge of the real estate transaction? The obvious answer is the client and that is the correct one as well. However, so much goes on during a transaction that the average client does not pay attention to the details and therefore, by default, the realtor captains the transaction. Growing up on Malibou Lake, there were really no rules about boating, so I was so surprised while dining with friends at The Landing Sushi & Grill in Westlake, when the owner of a boat said "No more than 10 people on my watercraft." At first I thought he was joking, but his face, and his returning to his plate without missing a beat (bite), clearly showed that he was the captain and his rules were to be followed. In our business, the client is the captain and the captain is the boss. In our group, we recognize that fact and recognize who is the boss. We just want to be our client's first mate and help get the boat ashore safely.
This is Dave, of The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, of The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 34 The Finish
Incredible experience watching so many people come across the line in such horrible weather. 26 miles in a pounding wind driven rain, unthinkable. Not knowing any of the other stories but not needing to because the reach for the summit, is a story big and grand enough. The lines at the start were long but at the finish, much longer. The ones who care for those who endured, arrived to offer support, warmth and congratulations. Some tears of joy, grimaces of pain, shivers from the cold, but mostly, small celebrations including our own, at the finish, in a small corner bar at the Shangri La.
This is Dave, from the McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from the McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Finish
Saturday, March 19, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 33 The Summit
On the eve of the LA Marathon, I write the blog thinking about the Dodger Stadium drop off and then the Lobster Shack at the Santa Monica Pier finish line. I will be nursing my martini and waiting for the wife to come across the line, and pondering what possesses the thousands of people to endure this painful objective. I get it if you are a world class runner but what about the common folk. You have to admire a flame deep within that sparks someone to attempt something that pushes the human body beyond it's normal capacity. So tonight, as she brushes her teeth, I will put my hand across her forehead to see if she has some type of exotic fever, and realizing she does not, will congratulate her, for taking a shot at her mountaintop. My glass is always raised to those who push fear and doubt aside and go for the summit.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Summit
Friday, March 18, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 32 Moving Day
Well, we are moving our office upstairs to a suite with a balcony and the group is pumped up. I thought increasing the business was super exciting to them, but in reality it's the view from the new office. I just hope when I get to the office, all of them are not out in the hammocks sipping Mai Tais. This move upstairs reminds me of what so many of you go through, but on a much smaller scale. The thrill of a new home and a new place, but what a pain moving is. Stressful for sure but in the end, the new place is all worth it. So here is a toast to New Places!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Moving Day
Thursday, March 17, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - Day 31 Coupons
Hey everyone. Please remember to click on the blog, print up page 1 and take advantage of the great wineries and restaurants that are offering super discounts. We have a number of great places and every week or so we will be switching it up. You will love the experience that these unique spots have to offer.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 30 Blogging
Day 30 has come to our blog. I was very concerned that we would not have a lot to say but that has not been the case. Plenty of stories, surprises and moments still to come. This has been a fantastic way to take 5-10 minutes a day, unwind, stretch out, share and refocus for the 2nd half of each day. I have always said the toughest part of this job is not the market conditions, way tougher, are the emotions involved in residential real estate. Managing our own is a battle in itself but throw in the other agents, the sellers, and buyers and this business can be a flaming cocktail ready to burn without warning. But those same emotions are also the best part of this job because you get to observe people across the spectrum of sentiments. It's a rainbow of personalities, that more often than not, come together for a harmonious ending. And that is music to the soul.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 29 Parents
Nearly 50 years old and still blessed with the presence of the two greatest people I know. Both have stood by each other on the peaks and in the valleys and now their journey, I believe, gets more challenging. Back to the blessed part though. My three daughters are blessed by their presence, graced by their stories and touched by their love. The 4 siblings in the family, as close as ever, excited about the next time we all get together and grateful for parents that challenged us, gave us their time and loved us. It's easy to love a job where relationships are everything, but that's how we were raised. Our relationships in life, work and play are number one and that comes straight from the top. Thanks Mom & Dad.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, March 14, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 28 The Spelling of Malibou Lake
This is a general announcement for all. I have had so many calls on the misspelling of Malibou Lake. People see our ads or write ups and call us and say we have misspelled Malibou all the for the record: It is spelled MALIBOU LAKE. Even when I spell check the blog, the computer says I am spelling it wrong, so I understand the people who are bored and try to call us out on it. I think back in the 1920's the people of the lake wanted to be different than the people of the beach.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 27 Li Paz Opera
It is not often that we have the opportunity to share this kind of a blog with all of our clients and friends….but with great enthusiasm and honor we want to announce a very special event coming up at The Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. To back up just a bit….a few years ago we had the pleasure of listing an amazing home. It was such a unique property and it took a while to finally sell, but little did we know the friendship that would develop and expand as a result of that one transaction. So who are we talking about, our special friends and clients……Michael and Monica Li-Paz and Ron and Bronwen Li-Paz! You never know who you will meet each day as we traverse through life, so it is wise to walk with our eyes open and soak it all in. Turns out that Michael Li-Paz is the famous New York Opera Basso and his son the amazing Ron Li-Paz sings Baritone and they will be performing along with another son/brother, Baritone Gil Li-Paz in WHO’S AFRAID OF OPERA? TAKE III….In collaboration with composer and international concert pianist Michael Glenn Williams and Kyung Lee. A wonderful entertaining afternoon of dramatic, comic opera scenes, art songs and musicals. So don’t miss out and mark your calendar for this great event on the first day of Spring! Matinee Concert 3:00pm on March 20, 2011 at The Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza in The Janet & Ray Scherr Forum Theatre. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
This is Kelly, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Kelly, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Li Paz Opera
Friday, March 11, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 26 Misty Morning

What a morning this was when Bill Way took this photograph. Isn't it critical that every morning we wake up, we have the ability to enjoy the day's ride or we can look for ways, reasons, circumstances that will enable us to walk around like Eeyore, the famous Pooh character. There are two reasons why I love this photo so much. First, the morning mist is rising into the atmosphere similar to how we must rise each day to meet the days challenges. The second reason is the lake is calm and still and no paths have been cut across the water yet. It is ready for that first kayaker, paddle boarder or swimmer to chart their own course, with no winds or current forcing them to go in any particular direction. Those two images from this photo remind me, that each day, we will cut our own paths and either rise or fall to meet the challenges of each new day.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Misty Morning
What a Surprise! This is a story of another Sparks family, of whom we do not see that often but their generosity completely caught me off guard. After closing escrow on a home where we represented them as buyers, they delivered a number of gifts to my sister Kelly and I. I will not mention what they were but to this day, when I think about what they did, it humbles me. It's not the gifts at all, even though they were stunning, it is the thought that they actually went out of their way and did that for us. This business is full of surprises. It was so fun to see them at the lake party and we will certainly get to see them again this year at our 2nd annual bash. There must be something to that last name Sparks!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 24 Lions and Gazelles
While searching for something to motivate my 12 year old girls soccer team, I came across the following poster. I thought it would be perfect for the pregame motivation speech. After all, these were 12 year old girls looking for the next Vince Lombardi motivational speech. The poster shows a large African Lion in the grass as the sun is coming up and in the distance a small Tommy Gazelle. So that is the picture and here is what was scrolled across the bottom of that poster.
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed...every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle...when the sun comes up, you'd better be running." This morning on the drive in the sun was just coming up and it reminded me of that very fun day many years ago. So the sun is up today, the starting gun has been shot and all of us better get running. By the way, The girls won their championship that day.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed...every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle...when the sun comes up, you'd better be running." This morning on the drive in the sun was just coming up and it reminded me of that very fun day many years ago. So the sun is up today, the starting gun has been shot and all of us better get running. By the way, The girls won their championship that day.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 23 Sparks
When you see Sparks as the headline, you might think I am going to talk about love or that initial hot flame, not the case, I will save that for a later dialogue. This is about my friend Sanford Sparks who now lives in Arizona. I had sold a couple of his Condos before he up and left the Conejo Valley. I can flat out say that I miss this man who will be 87 this year and still plays 3 rounds of golf a week. He is funny, alive, happy and lives his life to the fullest. I miss losing 3 or 4 quarters in the 9 holes we often played. It is such a challenge in this job to stay in touch with people that were clients, but now, more significantly, are friends. If I had a wish, I would wish for 1 extra hour a day, just for the ability to, as AT&T says, reach out and touch someone. I am committed to reaching out more and if I have misplaced or forgot or been too busy, please reach out and touch us. Speaking with Sparky this morning, was another reminder of how precious friendships are! Stay in touch.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 22 Big Ears & Listening
When I took the animal test, I thought it was funny that I tested out as the elephant. The first thing that comes to mind about an elephant is it's enormous ears. Now, I do have big ears and as a kid walking to the school bus in the morning chill, I was tormented by other kids flicking those ears. Don't worry, this is not a plea for counseling, therapy or intervention, I suffered no adverse conditions and and require no medicine to get me through the day. All of us were given two ears and only one mouth and that speaks volumes. Speak less, listen more and enjoy what others have to say.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Big Ears
Monday, March 7, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 21 The Birth of a Neighborhood
Driving through the Vintage community the other day, I reflected back on my days of hiking and looking for snakes where this community now sits. I first need to commend the developer for maintaining the character and natural beauty of this place. Obviously, when you build, the land never looks the same, but Vintage did a magnificent job of keeping it special. What is really cool is to see the transformation from a raw piece of land into a neighborhood where families are loving living there. Kids playing on the quiet street, a mother deer and fawn on the side of a newly landscaped yard, foraging away. We talk about a house becoming a home, but this is a 10 plus year endeavor where families are enjoying the fruits of a developer's vision. From King Snakes to hand shakes, from childhood play to handing the keys over. I do not think I could ask for a better 40 years, I'm a lucky guy.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Birth of a Neighborhood
Saturday, March 5, 2011
This is my 1st blog with a picture and let me introduce Luna. Luna and owner were riding in the Peter Strauss area when she stumbled off trail and fell down the hill. Ever wonder why showings cancel? Well, Luna and owner took a fall and because of a near tragedy, we were unable to show Luna's home. As the picture shows, Luna has recovered and owner is fine and showings have resumed. Cancelled showings and missed appointments are just part of this business and usually it's for some odd reason or made up excuse, but in this case, a fall, the vet and the rattled nerves prevented a showing. Now Luna is back in the saddle and ready to have her home sold.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 19 9000 Days
"9000 days set aside, 9000 days of destiny, 9000 days to thank gods wherever they may be." Has to be one of my favorite inspirational songs and its from the movie Invictus. The movie was fantastic satisfying the sports nut in me but even more than that, the movie tugged at my soul. It is a must see. By the way the 9000 days is nearly 25 years in solitary confinement, try overcoming that. I wonder what the measure of the man or woman is that can climb a mountain like that. I just hope that somewhere in my dna, I was given a small measure, even just a tablespoon.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
9000 Days
Friday, March 4, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 18 Keep Climbing
I love the entrepreneurial spirit of this country. Laurie's daughter, Nicole, has started "Teddy Needs A Bath", a super cool idea. It's a special cloth bag for the washing machine to put all those stuffed animals that get so dusty and dirty. It's scary to get out there and compete with the masses; requires a great support system, a lot of confidence and a little luck. Whether it's music, clothing, products or services, we really are all selling something and I so admire the people that see the mountain and are not afraid to start the climb to get to the top. So,cheers to Nicole, and may 10 million Teddys be bathed in her Teddy Needs A Bath bag.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 17 Septic Surprise
Have you ever been through a septic inspection? Not the most fun part of my job. One day at one of these inspections, so the story goes, the septic inspector, the seller (who happens to be a father of teenage daughter), the agent and all buyers are present when the septic lid is opened and the aroma quickly envelopes the bystanders forcing all to move positions to the upwind side. As all gaze into the tank, a number of small balloon like objects are floating on the surface of the tank. The seller asks the inspector, "what are those?", the inspector, embarrassed, calmly whispers C......s, to which the horror on the father's face (of the "innocent" teenage daughter) was plainly evident. You see in real estate behind every door, under each lid, there is always a surprise and sometimes in the most unusual places.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Septic Surprise
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 16 Pricing
Question for you. A 5000 sq ft home 50 yards away from another 5000 sq ft home. One is $10 million and one is priced at $4 million. Why? Simple, one is on the beach side of PCH and one is on the hill side of PCH. How can there be such a huge price gap? So many of the neighborhoods our group handles, have price challenges because no two are alike. I have always felt the market (buyers) will determine the value of a home that is for sale. If we price a home and it is within reason, we should be able to come to terms. Just this last year we sold a 3000 sq ft home with no pool, spa or views for over $1.6 million but a mile away a home had great views, pool & spa and 3400 sq ft; we sold that one at $1.4 million. Two buyers wanted the $1.6M home and only one wanted the $1.4M. Why? Because the buyers at that moment were interested in a contemporary design versus a more traditional one. Pricing in our custom areas, despite the economy, is the most challenging aspect of our business.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 15 Triunfo Creek Rapids
8 or 9 years ago having drinks at Latigo Kid during a week long storm, I began bragging about the old days of shooting the rapids above Malibou lake. The next day I had secured my older brother, 2 Malibu realtors and an unsuspecting neighbor. The wives pleaded for life vests and we caved; thank god we did. We launched the vessels above Kanan and below Lobo and were immediately hit with a crushing torrent unlike any I had ever experienced. My brother and I were knocked out of the canoe by an overhanging limb early on and the fight for survival began. The others launched but their plight was unseen by me as I was struggling to avoid getting sucked under the Arizona crossing (a form of bridge where huge pipes direct water under the bridge). Fast forward to the wives and daughters awaiting their conquering heroes on the Mulholland bridge and one of the girls says as she sees the blue kayak floating by upside down "Mommy, wasn't daddy in the blue kayak?" and the mom gently and confidently replies , "No honey, he is in the yellow one." Just as the words leave her mouth, the yellow one floats by upside down. Panic, tears and fear, and spread out along a mile of the highway are 5 sorry would be waterman. Needless to say the story over Margeritas gets larger each year and you now see what happens to realtors on rainy days, especially the ones who still think they are 20.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Triunfo Creek Rapids
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