Sunday, December 23, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 361 Xmas Exchange
Every year our family does an exchange of hand made gifts. Last year I was a complete failure attempting a candle. This year hiking around, I came across a cut down Oak Tree and found the pieces of bark that I have made into planters, one sitting and a couple hanging. I think they will be a hit this year, redemption from last year, I hope. Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to all.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, December 21, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 360 This Old Guitar.....Follow up.
A few days back I posted a blog to and about my dad. I entitled it "This Old Guitar" after the John Denver song because the song reminded me of my dad and the lessons and love that he gave us. At 1:31 this afternoon, looking out over the lake he loved, he passed. I thought this was a fitting shot of him to post, long jumping as a senior at Fremont High. Fitting, because he believed that he would leap into eternity and this is my shot of my dad leaping into forever. He was the best dad!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 359 The Honey House
The little gem next door to the folk's house is on the market. So many thoughts and memories when a neighbor decides to sell, especially the next door neighbor. This home ties 5 what we call laker kids, to all of us, plus one very special lady. She has poured her life and love into this home and it truly reflects a passion for nature and life. Yes it's old and needs a little work but there is heart & soul in this home. I once earned a 10 gallon jar of honey by helping harvest the honey from the bees that were kept on the property. I probably got stung 30 times in that hour but it was a great life lesson...I would never grow up to be a beekeeper, but I still love honey from the honeycomb!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 358 This Old Guitar
John Denver wrote a great song titled "This Old Guitar". In this song Denver writes about the old guitar and the things the old guitar taught him. As I sit at my parent's house tonight with the morning rushing us into a new day, I could not help but to reflect back on the life that the stud in the middle of this family photo lived and the things he taught us. This photo is before 3 more grand kids and 2 great grand kids. Yes, my dad is battling to live after a long bout with Parkinson's disease but most recently a massive stroke. His will is strong but the body is weak. Sitting next to the old stone fireplace, the stories, lessons and love echo though my chambers like a shout across the lake on a still quiet evening. If you know the Denver song it begins with "This old guitar taught me to sing a love song" and it strums its way through some other magical lyrics. This song makes me think of my dad. He taught us everything! He taught us to work, he taught us to laugh, he taught us to love, he taught us to sacrifice, he taught us to fish, he taught us to tie knots, he taught us to be respectful, he taught us to honor others, he taught us common sense, he taught us to camp, he taught us courage, he taught us discipline, he taught us how to swim and dive and as you can see, he taught us most everything any child would need. You see, my dad was not a brilliant or learned man, but he was so much more. Compassionate, simple, practical, kind, caring, wise and strong in body, mind and spirit. My dad is a great dad and before he passes, this life, his life, needs the praise, he so well deserves. My dad does not need this but I do. His life counted, his life counts and my life, my brothers and sister and all our kids are filled with the DNA of one strong, loving and special man. Dad, we are so grateful for the life you gave us, the lessons you taught us and the life we have shared with you. You were and are that old guitar in our lives!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
BLIND WIDE OPEN - day 357 Our New Neighbors
We moved to a new office behind Costco in Westlake Village a few months ago. Right next door they are building a huge complex with a Target, a new Total Woman gym and several restaurants. We are happy to have them as our next door neighbors. They are clearing the land for construction and we have a front row seat. Future plans? Maybe a gym membership, first dibs on Target sales and fresh sushi!!!!!!
This is Laurie, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!!
Monday, November 26, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 356 Giving Back
This Saturday the 1st of December, Keller Williams Westlake Village is having a holiday boutique. What a perfect time to pick up some unique gifts for your friends and family and at the same time contribute to our "KW Cares" charity fund. A great cause and a lot of fun! Please join us this weekend!
This is Laurie, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 355 Easy Pickens!
Stop and think how easy we have it on Thanksgiving compared to these three characters. We swing by the market and pick up a turkey, yams, pumpkin pie and some egg nog and sit around and enjoy family and football. I came across these three this morning trying to rustle up some chow for the day. I was a little slow with the camera otherwise you might have seen a rat being finished off. Everyday they battle for survival and we have the luxury of calling Dominos. Let's just say we have much to be thankful for. Happy Turkey Day or Happy Rat Day! I'll take the turkey option but I'm quite sure they would too!
This is the Coyotes and this is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, November 12, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 354 A Sunny Day in November
Two generations apart and what they must see. At 5 years old Grandpa's president was FDR and Miley's is Obama. The national debt in 1933 was 23 Billion and for Miley it's nearly 17 Trillion. One's generation was yet to visit the moon and one will have an opportunity for round trip airfare to and fro. A life full of abundance that flowed over with family and love and one still to live with uncharted paths yet to walk. This was a sunny day in November where these different generations met, where the little ones kicked and ran and the older ones sat and smiled and life was good, whole and all that it should be. Sunrise and sunset all captured after the Sensational Skittles tied the Jolly Lollies on a Sunny soccer Saturday in November!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, October 22, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 353 Where Did 2012 Go?
Already making the 2013 McLaughlin Group marketing budget....
Already planning the Thanksgiving holiday....
Already sweating the cash availability for Christmas....
Already ready for that economic turnaround.....
Already curious for the November 6th results....
Time, can we slow it down, or is it a sign that we are just having too much fun?
This is Laurie, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 352 Historic Landmark
Check out this cool Victorian for $349,000, close to the beach and downtown Ventura. Built in 1910, it was recently renovated yet it resembles its original historic appeal.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 351 Welcome to the Lake
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 350 Journey to Two Heavens
Sunday, September 30, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 349 Being Away
Being away in our business is always a challenge; You're not around to show properties and answer all the calls, however, the business rolls on without you. Other agents are still showing your properties and offers are being made without you. I guess the message is to all salespeople...just shut up and the houses will sell without your input...Being away may have to be in my plans more often.
TCU VS. SMU in a downpour in Dallas.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
TCU VS. SMU in a downpour in Dallas.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Blinds Wide Open - day 347 Breakfast of Champions
This is why we stay on top of our game. Delivered escrow paperwork to KW and gang and there spread before me was the nutritional elements this body requires. After a quick chat and catch up on the recent acquisition of a certain large mega agent, I sat and enjoyed my breakfast. Olympic athletes, high powered executives and this realtor know how to feed the mind, body and soul to survive the rigors of our chosen professions.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 346 We've Got New Digs!
Keller Williams Westlake Village has moved to a brand new state of the art office at 30700 Russell Ranch Road, Suite 200 in Westlake Village. We literally ran out of room for all of our agents in the old building and were so lucky to find this new home. Our building is down the road from Costco, on the second floor, with beautiful mountain views. Please stop by and visit if you are in the area. We’d love to show you around.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, August 27, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 345 Moving Time
One thing I can't stand is moving. When I see it happening on a weekly basis and the chaos that is generally nvolved, I think most of you would understand my feelings. Now the time has come for us to move to our new offices and tonight at Staples, that ill feeling came over me. Standing in line with boxes, I started to think about the wires, cords, computers and stuff that will be put into boxes, carried out, carried in and then unpacked and put back into place in the new office. Now here is a piece of advice I always give sellers that are moving; "In a couple weeks you'll forget about all of this." What a bunch of malarchy! The dread is building and I am wondering how I can slip out in a couple of weeks and just dump it on the group. So for all of you that have heard that line, forgive me, I realize how absurd that is. Packing and unpacking is awful.
Since I consider myself more of a half full glass guy than half empty, (am I?, always questioning that) my goals for the move will be simple and here they are: 1. less stuff moves with us than what we have now. 2. My desk will remain free of clutter. And finally number 3. the day couch will be for sitting and relaxing and not ever used again as a file cabinet.
In a couple weeks, I'll forget all of this ever happened.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate! That's me on the couch :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 344 Rancho Relief!
Congrats to the new owners of Rancho. I have to confess there were many times that I felt this would never happen. A medical emergency almost nixed the whole deal, but thankfully, a successful procedure, smooth recovery and cool heads prevailed on all sides. Now the new owners are getting married in the backyard and all the turmoil will soon be forgotten. Two new journeys begin for two families, one in Arizona and one on Rancho road!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 343 Priceless!
Priceless..............Miley & Jemmaly hangin in Avalon.
"Jemma, do you want to dig for some sandcrabs?" "Not really Miley, I just want to grab one of those boats and cruise."
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, July 23, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 342 Tetons to Texas
6 Years ago from the Tetons scanning through the old photos and wondering where the time went. Now realizing the tall one on my left is heading off in 3 weeks to Texas. From the Tetons to Texas in 6 years but I swear it was just a couple of weeks...I will savor the last few weeks with this awesome and amazing daughter of mine.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 341 Conejo Valley Dreamin
What’s not to like about Southern California?
For most of us, it’s a short jog or bike ride to find the perfect hiking trail or fishing hole. If you’re so inclined, you can check out weekly Farmer’s Markets from Newbury Park (on Saturdays), to Westlake Village (Sundays). And what better way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or better yet, “I’m glad it’s summer and I live in Paradise” by having lunch at one of the restaurants at The Landings and watching the swans glide by?
Some may call it luck, others might say how cleverly they’ve planned their lives. Whatever the reason, on a breezy afternoon, with the sky a mellow blue, it’s time to admit the Conejo Valley is a small slice of nirvana!\
This is Sandy, Laurie's mom, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 340 Who Lives Longer?
Can your personality affect how many birthdays you celebrate? Maybe so, according to a body of research evaluating the role our outlooks can play in life span. Of course, it's important to remember that many factors, from genetics to lifestyle, work together to determine life expectancy -- but researchers have found that these six personality traits, in particular, are more common in those who lead longer lives.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, July 9, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 339 You Gotta Love It!
My son, Ryan, has played baseball since he was 4 years old. Now 22 and still in it, he digs this quote. All you athletes out there, do you relate?
This is Laurie, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, July 6, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 338 What Do All These Famous Actors Have In Common?
Answer: They all sat on the shores of Malibou Lake.
Click here to see what else sits on Malibou Lake!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 337 Behind the Scenes

Friday, June 22, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 336 Old Fish Tale

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 335 Home of the Week!
Our listing on 2401 Kanan Road, Agoura, CA was home of the week on, and!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, June 18, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -Day 334 Counters & Father's Day
Three Counters on Father's Day. You really hope these offers materialize into something great for everyone. Just hung with the tribe around the lake. Kelsey cruised on the paddle board, Kinsey hung on the dock, Sister Kelly kayaked with her dog Coco and Miley and I paddled out on the board where she was successful in the Malibou Lake rite of passage, known as the rope swing. All in all a pretty relaxing and fun day. Today, we will find out the results on those counters. This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, June 11, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 333 All Good!

Thursday, June 7, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 332 Football Game Is Tomorrow

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 331 Cool Thousand Oaks Condo

Sunday, May 27, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 329 What the Squawk
Many of us that live south of the freeway here this chatter all the time and here are the culprits, The Nanday Canures. Here is a brief description about these beautiful birds.
"The Nanday Conure is considered to be the most popular companion bird among the Conure species. They are also one of the most beautiful and colorful parrots on the planet. The Nanday Conure is a gorgeous parrot with a black head that extends along with the cheeks and throat and resembles a cap. The remainder of their body is green, the throat and breast are blue, and the feet are actually red. Native to Mexico and Central America to the Caribbean Islands and South America the Nanday Conure is considered to be a very sociable parrot. They're also extremely adaptable and acclimate very well to any new environment." The photo is courtesy of a neighbor who has the great pleasure of watching them gather at her feeder. Obviously, they have adapted well to the Santa Monica Mountains as evidenced by the flocks seen overhead and the squawks heard throughout the canyons.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 328 Youth of the Year
Okay, here is a shot of the Westlake Village Youth of the Year and yes it's Kelsey. This kid of mine, who is off to SMU in the fall, was recognized as Youth of the Year, along with one other for the City of Westlake Village. Along with a scholarship she was also recognized by the State Senate for her honor. Here she is with Mayor McSweeney. Needless to say, our entire clan is so proud of this young lady. I sat in amazement last night as she led the Pledge of Allegiance for the city council meeting and then answered questions with such poise and humility. I wonder if she has ever considered a career in real estate, wishful thinking on my part. This is Dave, the proudest dad, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, May 21, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 327 Huffington Post!
This property on 2401 Kanan Road, Agoura, is getting all the buzz! It just made the Huffington Post and will be on the MSNBC website soon. Check out the digital magazine on our website,
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, May 18, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 326 Love on the Lake
Westlake Lake has 4 new baby swans! Looks like mama swan had a great Mother's Day!
This is Laurie, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 325 It Went National! just put our new listing on the front page of their website! They had all the fantastic shots of the home and the description below!
Rest assured, folks, you are not hallucinating. That’s a real house you see before your eyes, and it’s spectacular. Tucked away on a remote, hillside bluff in Agoura Hills, CA is a “kaleidoscope of vivid color” that apparently will have you feeling like “you’re at the top of a Mayan empire” in no time. The listing description starts things off ever-so-eloquently by asking the obvious question: “Want to be transported from the Aztec Pyramids of the 16th Century, into a 23rd century architectural wonder?” Heck and yes. And really, people, for a list price of $1.95 million, the answer to that question is that obvious.
So, other than a Crayola Crayon box of color, what does this Salvidor Dali-esque, architectural mash-up have to offer? Lots! Beyond the Kaleidoscope Home’s “7,200-square-feet of openness” there is a treasure trove of fine features and general cray-ness. For starters, acid-washed concrete floors and slate-wrapped pillars link one room to the next. Then there’s a designated “intimate media area” and wine cellar with storage for up to 640 bottles. Don’t get me started about the zen-ful master suite, which will envelope you in tranquility, what with its combo indoor-outdoor master bath described as a “calm spa-like haven.” And if those features weren’t enough to wet your whistle, sitting beneath a sculptural backyard offering to the Aztec gods is an infinity pool that transcends into the surrounding canyon. Cray!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Coming Soon! Monday in the MLS. Everybody always says this is the best party house there is...but wait, because this one truly is. It was listed at $3.5 million before and our group will be offering it at $1,949,000. Just click on our website at to see all the incredible images of this home. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR EXCITEMENT? Want to be transported from the Aztec Pyramids of the 16th Century, into a 23rd century architectural wonder? A monumental sculpture moves from one end of the infinity pool to the other, like Aztec steps leading to an array of futuristic marvels. As you float in this pool, you’re at the top of a Mayan empire, surrounded by mountains. It’s just you & nature. The first floor is 6700 square feet of openness, with a kitchen floating in the middle, awash in rich wood cabinets, and a breakfast area with four huge windows, all facing those magnificent mountains. Acid washed concrete floors link each area, interspersed with slate-wrapped pillars. Both the living area and master bedroom boast a 4-sided fireplace, wrapped in Italian tiles. Enter the foyer topped of corrugated metal to an intimate media area hosting a wall of wine(WOW)storage area, with room for 640 bottles. Move from the party area, with bar & pool table, to a lounge, which curves into a dining area, which echoes a more private conversation corner–each spot curving into the next. The master bedroom offers a calm spa-like haven, overlooking pool and mountains. The indoor-outdoor master bath is tiled with thousands of iridescent glass, the same shade as the water of the pool. A curving staircase with sculptured railing leads to the second level, with two more bedrooms and ensuite bathrooms. Welcome to the ultimate "party house." This home captures your architectural senses and welcomes you to succumb to its power."
I am very excited about the reception and energy that this home will surely generate.
This is Dave, from The Mclaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 323 An Evening of Hope
The Celebration of Life Gala held at the Four Seasons was a terrific event for the Wellness Community. I do not know the dollars raised at this point but it was plainly evident that so many companies and individuals stand with the Wellness Community and their mission. Music, inspiration, moving testimonials and recognition of those who have made a difference added up to "An Evening of Hope."
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, May 4, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 322 Ridiculous
This is a ridiculously great value in Agoura Hills. Over 5500 sq. ft, pool/spa/rv access, tastefully appointed and a beautiful kitchen featuring "Verde Costa Esmeralda" granite and stainless steel appliances. Two massive bonus/office/game rooms, 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Great Neighborhood and close to my second office, "The Old Place" What a tremendous value at $1,599,000
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, April 30, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 321 Quiz Show
Match the city with the price per sq. foot. What city has the highest?
Data from March 2012
Simi Valley 93063, Oak Park 91377, Westlake Village 91361, Agoura Hills 91301, Thousand Oaks 91360, Newbury Park 91320, Moorpark 93021, Simi Valley 93065, Thousand Oaks 91362 $317,$267,$235,$278,$206,$251,$204,$197,$273
And the answer is:
Westlake Village-$317, Oak Park-$278, Agoura Hills-$273, TO 91362-$265, Newbury Park-$251, TO 91360-$237, Moorpark-$206, SV 93065-$204, SV 93063-$197
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, April 27, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 320 Storybook
Last night I was with realtor friends celebrating a couple birthdays and the stories began. When you get a group of realtors together, it truly is a time for stories. There were some good ones, funny ones and even a sad one. The storybook could go on all night long because as a group of professionals, we are truly entrenched in people's lives and we see the best and the worst. Here is a picture of all of us last night telling our stories.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 319 Multiple Offers
After almost 3 years of slow to moderate activity on homes, you now almost have panic buying in some price ranges. We have been in multiple offers and I am talking about 3 or more on a number of transactions lately. I wonder with the lack of inventory if this will be the norm through the summer or if inventory will pick up and calm things down a bit. I have to admit, there's a bit more excitement out there, but when you are representing a buyer in one of these, it's excruciating for them. Is this the beginning of a turn around? Only time will reveal the answer so I will revisit this in 6 to 8 weeks to see if the dust is still stirred or if it has settled.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 318 Feel the Heat!
I can't recall what group sang that song but after the siesta last night, coupled with the heat today and showing properties all day long...I am feeling the heat. Great weekend, 2 houses sold so far but hoping for one more this weekend. I guess we could call it a hat trick, we will wait and see, no actually, we will work and make it happen..Nothing is achieved by the wait and see attitude. Did i mention what a great time we had last night, I tell you this 39 year old body is feeling it.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, April 20, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 317 Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Dave!
Two tips on your birthday:
1) Forget the past, you can't change it.
2) Forget the present, we didn't get you one.
Your team wishes you the best 39th ever!
This is your team, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 316 Staying Power
This business is an emotional one. I tell you, losing a listing hurts. You win, lose, win and lose again but you have to keep going with the eyes focused on your end goal. Just yesterday a listing came up that struck me in the gut, and you process, analyze and then you make a choice: move forward, work harder and smarter, or give up and play the blame game.
This is Dave, moving forward with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, moving forward with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, April 16, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 315 Single Story w/Forever Views

Gated community over 3300 square feet, incredible privacy, unreal master suite, beautiful appointments, putting green and chipping tees along w/sandtrap, 3 car garage, and forever, forever views. Live today at $1,149,000.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Single Story w/Forever Views
Sunday, April 15, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 314 Wildlife Disclosure
So you know how all the companies have their generic wildlife verbiage in all their addendums. My question is: When a neighbor of one of the properties that you have for sale, tells you that a mountain lion killed two of their goats, does the verbiage in the addendum cover you? My guess is no. After all, would a mountain lion that roams freely materially affect someone's decision to purchase a home? Maybe. I know I would love to have one around but I would not be considered your average buyer. Oh well, I will note it on the agent visual disclosure, not that I have seen one, only that I heard one was around looking for some different menu options.
Wildlife Disclosure
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 313 Blinds are WIDE OPEN

Hello there! Spring is in the air and it is obvious by this couple's PDA (public display of affection). While walking by this house we noticed the BLINDS were really WIDE OPEN. For some strange reason, I feel like this duo maybe found their new Green Home without a realtor but if they had used The McLaughlin Group, we would have bought window treatments for their new pad.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Blinds are WIDE OPEN
Monday, April 9, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 312 Field of Dreams

Nothing better than a silk wrapped toddler wandering in a field of herbs and fruit with her Easter basket in hand on an 82 degree Easter Sunday. A little sun, a lotta family; simple pleasures.
This is Laurie, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Field of Dreams
Friday, April 6, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 311 Box Score for the Group
Year to date stats and figures for the Group
7 Closed transactions to date
14 Transaction sides in escrow
21 Active current listings
We just completed the first lap of the mile and we are so close to the pace we need to maintain...Have to keep running, don't look back, look forward and keep on truckin.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
7 Closed transactions to date
14 Transaction sides in escrow
21 Active current listings
We just completed the first lap of the mile and we are so close to the pace we need to maintain...Have to keep running, don't look back, look forward and keep on truckin.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Box Score for the Group
Thursday, April 5, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 310 Entrepreneur Tie In
Here is a quick note about family members of The McLaughlin Group and the businesses that they run and have just started in the past 5 years.
Casey, my older brother: Owns and operates Superior Fluid. High pressure valves, fittings and tubings sold all over North America. Oil Companies, Amgen and many other companies with sales of nearly 4 million last year.
Nicole, daughter of Laurie of our group: Owner and creator of "Teddy Needs a Bath." Marketed as the best way to clean stuffed toys and available at numerous stores and locations including: Babiesrus & and at
Craig, husband of Shawn of our group; Recently opened up 2 chiropractor and sports medicine offices with locations in Agoura Hills and Simi Valley.
Dlyan in our group and his brother-in-law Tim: Creators of "The Pro Post." This service allows for consumers to post a job, like a home repair and multiple professional contractors reach out to the consumer to provide bids for that job.
I'm feeling like a need to start something up here to compete with all these entrepreneurs. I think this creative spirit and drive to succeed is what makes our country great and makes our group and our families pretty darn cool.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Casey, my older brother: Owns and operates Superior Fluid. High pressure valves, fittings and tubings sold all over North America. Oil Companies, Amgen and many other companies with sales of nearly 4 million last year.
Nicole, daughter of Laurie of our group: Owner and creator of "Teddy Needs a Bath." Marketed as the best way to clean stuffed toys and available at numerous stores and locations including: Babiesrus & and at
Craig, husband of Shawn of our group; Recently opened up 2 chiropractor and sports medicine offices with locations in Agoura Hills and Simi Valley.
Dlyan in our group and his brother-in-law Tim: Creators of "The Pro Post." This service allows for consumers to post a job, like a home repair and multiple professional contractors reach out to the consumer to provide bids for that job.
I'm feeling like a need to start something up here to compete with all these entrepreneurs. I think this creative spirit and drive to succeed is what makes our country great and makes our group and our families pretty darn cool.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Entrepreneur Tie In
Sunday, April 1, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 309 Life is a Highway
Country rock group Rascal Flatts song "Life is a Highway" was on the radio on the way in. I think it relates to life and real estate and since this is a blog about both, I thought I would just drop the chorus on you and see if we agree that there is a correlation. "Life is a highway, I want to ride it all night long, if your going my way I want to drive it all night long."
Life: We have no choice but to stay on the highway of life unless you choose to jump and jumping is not really an option. The chorus pounds the point about wanting to ride the highway which is an affirmative or positive outlook on the ride of life. And when you have a spouse, friend or family that's going the same way, it appears that driving all night long (life) could be pretty cool if not down right enjoyable.
Consequences: Now merge onto the highway going the opposite direction and you have a major ugly pile up. Choose not to ride the highway everyday and life is missed.
Real Estate: Sellers if you find a buyer that's on your house and heading your way, my advice, open the door, turn the music up and offer to let them ride all night long or at least until escrow closes. Realtors, let us do most of the driving and our clients can sit back and enjoy the ride. A quick reminder to keep the lights on so we know where we are heading.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, Sunday morning, merging in (I hope in the correct lane) and keeping it real in real estate!
Life: We have no choice but to stay on the highway of life unless you choose to jump and jumping is not really an option. The chorus pounds the point about wanting to ride the highway which is an affirmative or positive outlook on the ride of life. And when you have a spouse, friend or family that's going the same way, it appears that driving all night long (life) could be pretty cool if not down right enjoyable.
Consequences: Now merge onto the highway going the opposite direction and you have a major ugly pile up. Choose not to ride the highway everyday and life is missed.
Real Estate: Sellers if you find a buyer that's on your house and heading your way, my advice, open the door, turn the music up and offer to let them ride all night long or at least until escrow closes. Realtors, let us do most of the driving and our clients can sit back and enjoy the ride. A quick reminder to keep the lights on so we know where we are heading.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, Sunday morning, merging in (I hope in the correct lane) and keeping it real in real estate!
Life is a Highway
Saturday, March 31, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 308 Colleges Where You Are More Likely To Fall In Love
As a parent of a college bound young lady, this headline from AOL grabbed my attention. The first sentence of the article: "The good people at Inside College perused their user recommendations to compile the ultimate list of colleges that are the best for finding true love." For some peculiar reason, we did not do the research on this and am quite concerned that my daughter may not have selected the right school. We took into consideration; Academics, possible majors, alumni network, distance, athletics and finances but I cannot believe I missed this study. I will have to forward it on and see if all of us still feel comfortable with Kelsey's school of choice. I can hear it now....Dad! Why didn't you tell me about this study? ;)
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 307 Oh oh Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling
Just like the lyrics from Flo Rida, I have that feeling today. I don't know why but I have it. And you know what I was doing today? A well, home and septic inspections, so why would I feel "Oh Oh sometimes I get a good feeling?" Well, maybe I got great news on an appraisal, maybe I realize that we will solve these inspection issues, maybe it's the e-mails saying I have offers coming in or maybe just hearing that song..makes me feel good. Regardless of the why, "oh oh, I got a good feeling about tomorrow as well."
This is Flo, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Flo, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Oh oh,
Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 306 Where's The Oak Tree Count?

Who wouldn't want to live here?
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Where's The Oak Tree Count?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 305 Conejo Valley Inventory
554 residential units or homes for sale in the Conejo Valley
584 residential units in escrow in the Conejo Valley
418 residential units sold since January 1, 2012 in the Conejo Valley
$48,000,000 most expensive active listing in the Conejo Valley
194 residential units priced over $1,000,0000 in the Conejo Valley available now
Stats are from the Ventura County Regional Data Share as of March 26, 2012.
Conejo Valley cities include: Agoura Hills, Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Westlake Village
584 residential units in escrow in the Conejo Valley
418 residential units sold since January 1, 2012 in the Conejo Valley
$48,000,000 most expensive active listing in the Conejo Valley
194 residential units priced over $1,000,0000 in the Conejo Valley available now
Stats are from the Ventura County Regional Data Share as of March 26, 2012.
Conejo Valley cities include: Agoura Hills, Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Westlake Village
Conejo Valley Inventory
Saturday, March 24, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 304 Saturday, In the Park
Wasn't that a fantastic song? Saturday, in the park....I believe Chicago belted this classic out. Saturday started in the park today with the conclusion of the "Great Race," the 1/2 marathon in Agoura and I was amazed at the crowd and the number of people I knew who ran in this race. I was stunned and their willingness to punish their bodies, my wife included in this bunch. I felt kind of bad as I walked around eating the free pizza and sampling all the magnificent protein drinks and carb samplers. I got over the feeling rather quickly with the 2nd piece of pizza. These marathon events are quite the party; Bands, food, bouncy bounces but mostly small celebrations of accomplishment. It wasn't the 4th of July as Chicago sang so I changed the lyrics to "Saturday, in the park, I think it was a Saturday in March, People aching, people collapsing, a realtor eating ice cream, can you dig it, yes I can, I've been waiting such a long time, for Saturday." As I show houses today, that tune will play all day in my head...Can you dig it, yes I can.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
in the Park,
Friday, March 23, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 303 California Dreaming
Laurie’s mom again, hoping I don’t become a pest, but it’s hard not to want to join in on the McLaughlin blog. I was looking at the photos of the homes on Malibou Lake that Dave posted recently, and decided I want that new one, all glass and wood, right on the water. I wonder if the owners would consider swapping with my cute little condo in Westlake Bay. Probably not, but that’s okay. March is the month for dreaming and as soon as my Lotto ticket pans out, I’m making a bid!!
This is Sandy, Laurie's mom, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Sandy, Laurie's mom, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
California Dreaming
Thursday, March 22, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 302 The Appraiser Cometh
Well here we go again. 4 offers on a property in Thousand Oaks. So, you think that would be good enough to determine the real value of the property? Sounds logical yet how did we get to the place where an appraiser from some far away town determines the outcome of a deal struck between two willing parties? I will start holding my breath today and wait 3-4 days for the outcome. He rides in on his Toyota Prius, holding his laser measuring device and in his pen he holds the power of life or death (as it pertains to this transaction).....the appraiser cometh.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Appraiser Cometh
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 301 Dream On

Dylan said he was busy working all day yesterday on the Ventura coast with this client......and then he woke up and got to work.
This is Dylan taking a nap, with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Dream On
Saturday, March 17, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 300 Dreams of Glass

Here is a picture of the original McLaughlin Group..actually it is a shot of my grandfather's employees at his glass factory in Los Angeles which he operated form 1920-1935 and it is also the front cover of the book about his glass factory. So when my Dad wants to tell stories about working in the glass factory, hot glass splinters and how easy we had it growing up compared to him, I might have to agree after looking at the photos. The book is entitled "Dreams of Glass" The story of William McLaughlin and his Glass Company. It is a fun read and pictorial memory of my grandfather's glass factory. I do swell with some pride as I glance through the book and think about his accomplishments and struggles as he worked for his American Dream. "Pop" as we called him lived to be 90 years old. Hopefully, I grabbed a bag of those genes from his pool.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Dreams of Glass
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 299 Assuage
The synonyms for this word include: soothe, appease, allay, pacify, mitigate, calm.
The definition is to make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
We have all had many occasions where we try to mitigate or assuage the concerns of a client or friend. It's never easy but the only thing to do is try. Often times the feeling that one had is far worse than the event that caused the unpleasantries. My mind and all minds can go crazy with reflection and wonder. I had a recent event with a client that appeared way worse because of how the event transpired and actions I took. Even though I knew the facts and they were clear to me, my actions caused doubt. I was confident in the facts and my client's concerns were mitigated. For sure, questions were raised and ultimately, my client and I, knew the truth. Sometimes the clients you have some struggles with become the best clients. In this particular case, the very best!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The definition is to make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
We have all had many occasions where we try to mitigate or assuage the concerns of a client or friend. It's never easy but the only thing to do is try. Often times the feeling that one had is far worse than the event that caused the unpleasantries. My mind and all minds can go crazy with reflection and wonder. I had a recent event with a client that appeared way worse because of how the event transpired and actions I took. Even though I knew the facts and they were clear to me, my actions caused doubt. I was confident in the facts and my client's concerns were mitigated. For sure, questions were raised and ultimately, my client and I, knew the truth. Sometimes the clients you have some struggles with become the best clients. In this particular case, the very best!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 298 On the Hunt
You take a look at this title and you're thinking that I am going to talk about house hunting and the struggles of the modern day buyer....nope, i will save that for another day. Today the blog will be about Dylan and my brother Drew taking off for a few days to a remote ranch to bag some bacon. This is not store bought bacon but wild Feral bacon. So for two days they struggled to bag the elusive, crafty and tough swine but late on the second day Dylan was able to put down a couple hundred pounder. These swine can put a hurt on you so in the back of my mind, knowing they are both a bit timorous, I will always wonder if they just found it on the side of the road. Oh well, it does not matter how, for it is now, ribs, chops and sausage for the entire group. Coupled with our salmon, venison and our McLaughlin Group vino, I question if you will ever see any more skinny girls in our group photos.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
On the Hunt
Monday, March 12, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 297 Less is More...Gettysburg
Lincoln was preceded by famed orator Edward Everett who spoke for roughly two hours at the dedication but it was Lincoln's two minutes that changed the course and destiny of our country. Lincoln's speech reminds us all that many times less is so much more and in real estate isn't that the truth?
Here are the amazing 273 words that changed America forever.
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Here are the amazing 273 words that changed America forever.
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Sunday, March 11, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 296 Saturday in Huntington
Took a day off yesterday to hang in Huntington.Started with a 2 year old birthday party and ended with a meal and drink at the pier. Super relaxing day with family and friends and amazed at the crowds and the weather..Wow, Sunny, warm, packed and for a guy that likes to people was target rich. There is something calming about the ocean and the people that enjoy it. I think they they dance to a different drum beat and I have to admit, for at least a short while yesterday, I could hear their drums.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Saturday in Huntington
Thursday, March 8, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 295 Foreclosure Agents
Talk about the Wild Wild West..There are a few agents out there practicing real estate right now that are shady at best. Hiding behind the bank and whatever else they want to claim, they operate like weasels in a chicken coop, killing but not eating, only out to satisfy themselves. I firmly believe they don't care about the assets that they sell or the people they sell to. For them, it is about lining their own pockets. I would mention names and companies but I hesitate, for I may unfortunately, need to cross paths again. They are unaccountable, unseen, disrespectful, and one can only dream of the day these foreclosures disappear and the market returns to a place where people skills matter. Like the Weasel, once this foreclosure market disappears, they will slink back into their holes, rarely to be seen, and afraid to venture out, for they are unable to compete when competing matters.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Foreclosure Agents
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 294 Proxio
As a new member of The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, just one of the benefits for our sellers is the appearance their listings in Proxio, a world wide MLS system. Let's see if we can match some of those international buyers with our great listings.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 293 The Most Affordable Time in History
Paste this link into your browser and see what you think...Amazing times considering a very sluggish economy and yet with interest rates as low as they just might be the most affordable time in history to buy a home.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 292 10 Acre Oasis

This one is unreal..10 acre private retreat at the back of Lobo Canyon..Peaceful, private, serene..feels like your in another state but only 5 minutes to the 101. Single level, pool/spa almost 4000 sq. ft. Truly a one of a kind property!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
10 Acre Oasis
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 291 Keeping it Together
What a phrase! I think most Realtors truly understand the meaning of this now. The spoiled days of yester year are far behind and now, keeping it together through these transactions, can be brutal. I think the most frustrating and difficult task is dealing with these appraisers. Where do they come from and how did they get here? I do feel like they are accountability, no reasons, no willingness to listen and if you get one that's nice, thank your lucky stars that you got E T on one transaction because on the next one, you may be facing Sigourney Weaver's nemesis. Oh well, keeping it together is where we earn our keep.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Keeping it Together
Sunday, February 26, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 290 Rubbing it in

While the rest of the McLaughlin Group is working away at opens and showings, one member slipped off for some fun in the sun. It is great when one gets to do that but most of us don't make the ones suffer who were left behind. Laurie has sent a couple photos of the island with a note expressing her incredible joy over the beach side pool service and drink selections. Rubbing it in on your own team...shame...shame...shame. On the flip side, the office has been a little more work focused and the chatter level is way down. Go figure? Truth be told, the office may have slid back a bit on the fun meter..Oh well, we are happy that she is having fun and when she gets back, the stack of paperwork I have left on her desk, will make her wonder if the fun in the sun was worth it.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Rubbing it in
Saturday, February 25, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 289 Lake Tour

If anyone is curious about some of the homes at the lake, Janet and Kelly will be at 2170 East Lakeshore. You can swing by Sunday 1-4 and from there see a number of lake houses. Here is a an inside shot of one of the homes.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Friday, February 24, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 288 Another Peek

Here is another peek at the new one on Malibou Lake.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Another Peek
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 287 Marvel on the Lake

Well, here it is the newest and coolest house on Malibou Lake. Completed last year this architectural gem needs to be marveled at. Open loft style interior coupled with a unreal location and spectacular views of the lake and mountains. We will release for showings on Thursday and anticipate a flood of activity.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Marvel on the Lake
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 286 Teamwork

Win together, lose together, play together, stay together.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Monday, February 20, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 285 President's Day
In honor of all our presidents.....
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
President's Day
Saturday, February 18, 2012
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 284 The Birth of a Neighborhood Part 2
Here is a blog about The Vintage community that I wrote about a few months ago. It is fitting to revisit because two days ago we released the final phase of the development...So here it is from day 21.. Attached is a one photo of one of the new homes. Check out the our website to view the 8 new homes.
Driving through the Vintage community the other day, I reflected back on my days of hiking and looking for snakes where this community now sits. I first need to commend the developer for maintaining the character and natural beauty of this place. Obviously, when you build, the land never looks the same, but Vintage did a magnificent job of keeping it special. What is really cool is to see the transformation from a raw piece of land into a neighborhood where families are loving living there. Kids playing on the quiet street, a mother deer and fawn on the side of a newly landscaped yard, foraging away. We talk about a house becoming a home, but this is a 10 plus year endeavor where families are enjoying the fruits of a developer's vision. From King Snakes to hand shakes, from childhood play to handing the keys over. I do not think I could ask for a better 40 years, I'm a lucky guy.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
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