By Alejandro Lazo
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
May 31, 2011
Excerpts from article:
An index of home prices in the nation's largest American cities plumbed new depths in March, pushing past a low set during the worst of the Great Recession.
The ominous new drop for the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller index of 20 cities, a key measure that is closely watched by economists, casts further doubt about the future of the housing market's recovery. The index pushed below its previous bottom hit in April 2009, confirming a much-feared double-dip in home prices. "This month's report is marked by the confirmation of a double-dip in home prices across much of the nation," said David Blitzer, chairman of the S&P index committee. "Home prices continue on their downward spiral with no relief in sight." The Case-Shiller index showed prices dropped 3.6% from March 2010 and 0.8% from February amid weak demand for homes and a strong market presence for cheap foreclosures and other so-called distressed properties. "Excluding the results of that policy, there has been no recovery or even stabilization in home prices during or after the recent recession," Blitzer said. "Further, while last year saw signs of an economic recovery, the most recent data do not point to renewed gains." Weighing on prices has been the large number of foreclosure properties on the market and a lack of demand from buyers since the credit's expiration. With prices falling again, economists fear that the nation's housing market could enter a new downward spiral, with declines pushing more borrowers underwater, triggering more foreclosures and setting off further drops. Although economists say there are many factors in favor of purchasing a home -- including increased affordability and rock-bottom interest rates -- falling prices influence buyer psychology because people don't want to lose money on an investment that may drop in value in the near term. When left unadjusted for seasonal variations, 18 out of the 20 cities declined from February to March, with Los Angeles down 0.3%, San Diego down 0.8% and San Francisco falling 0.1%.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 98 Housing Market Hits New Low
Housing Market Hits New Low
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 97 Advice From a Billionaire
This was forwarded to me from a speech Bill Gates gave to a high school audience.
Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world doesn't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school.
You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping:
They called it opportunity.
Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault,
so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring
as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,
cleaning your clothes and listening to you
talk about how cool you thought you were:
So before you save the rain forest
from the parasites of your parent's generation,
try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers,
but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades
and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.
*This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters.
You don't get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF.
*Do that on your own time.
Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life.
In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds.
Chances are you'll end up working for one..
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world doesn't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school.
You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping:
They called it opportunity.
Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault,
so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring
as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,
cleaning your clothes and listening to you
talk about how cool you thought you were:
So before you save the rain forest
from the parasites of your parent's generation,
try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers,
but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades
and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.
*This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters.
You don't get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF.
*Do that on your own time.
Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life.
In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds.
Chances are you'll end up working for one..
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Advice From a Billionaire
Sunday, May 29, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 96 Team Vs. Group
A very fun weekend so far getting to watch Kels and Kins play soccer together. I love watching team sporting events. It made me think of my group and the differences and similarities between a team and The McLaughlin Group. So here are the top 5 differences or similarities David Letterman style of an athletic team VS. The McLaughlin Group.
5. An athletic team listens to their coach, The McLaughlin Group thinks we have 7 coaches.
4. An athletic team plays and fights hard for each other. The McLaughlin Group plays and fights hard for each other
3. An athletic team discusses strategy. The McLaughlin Group, discusses hair, lipstick color and the various procedures available to all the ladies in the group.
2. An athletic team plays to win. The McLaughlin Group plays to win.
And the number one difference or similarity is:
1. An athletic team can use physical discipline to hone the training. The McLaughlin Group thinks happy hour is a discipline.
Just having fun this weekend and I hope you are too.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
5. An athletic team listens to their coach, The McLaughlin Group thinks we have 7 coaches.
4. An athletic team plays and fights hard for each other. The McLaughlin Group plays and fights hard for each other
3. An athletic team discusses strategy. The McLaughlin Group, discusses hair, lipstick color and the various procedures available to all the ladies in the group.
2. An athletic team plays to win. The McLaughlin Group plays to win.
And the number one difference or similarity is:
1. An athletic team can use physical discipline to hone the training. The McLaughlin Group thinks happy hour is a discipline.
Just having fun this weekend and I hope you are too.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Team Vs. Group
Saturday, May 28, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 95 Bench Warmers
Who's at the beach this weekend? Who's hiking in the mountains this weekend? Who's sitting at the park this weekend? Who's playing some ball or golf this weekend? I'll tell you who's not....The McLaughlin Group...with 22 listings and 13 escrows....our playing time is limited. But don't worry, we always manage to find the opportunity to come off the bench.
This is the Team, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is the Team, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Bench Warmers
Friday, May 27, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 94 Memorial Day Weekend
What a great wrap up to a busy week or a great start to a long Memorial Day weekend, either way you look at it, it was great. Sitting at the Whale's Tail overlooking the harbor, enjoying the soulful sounds of the Shoemakers serenading the sun as it sets over the Pacific sky. So thankful for the friends who were there who enrich my life, thankful for the ones who gave it all so we could enjoy an evening like tonight, thankful for the ones who are in harm's way now, laying it all on the line for this exceptional country. I believe we are all indebted to the people who enrich our lives on a daily basis and may we take the time to say thank you to them, whenever and as often as we get the chance to. And this weekend I hope we all take time to remember all the heroes and they are all heroes, who gave it all, for all of us. Thank you!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Memorial Day Weekend
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 93 Owls in the Attic
So on a recent Sunday afternoon, I receive a call from an owner of a condo who says her tenants have a problem with Owls in the attic. I immediately suspected rats and had about an hour between appointments, so I decided to check it out. Upon arrival, the very nice couple explained their frustration with the noise at night and pointed to the rafters above. I don't like heights and halfway up the ladder the feeling in the stomach hit me and down I went searching for another way to the feathered intruders. Popping the attic hatch and sticking my head up, the aroma hit me, this was not a rat problem. In fact, there were traps set but they were empty and not required. The best rat catchers in the world had moved in and the evidence of their efficiency was everywhere. There they were, 4 baby Barn Owls, nearly ready to fly with no way to get to them. The little girl was crying and we lifted her up and I told her she was the only 4 year old that has a family of owls living in her house. The tears quickly dried and the realization of what she could share at school empowered her and her smile lit up that dark attic. I told the tenants they would be leaving soon and sure enough, they started to fly a few days later. Owls, snakes, squirrels and a host of other creatures I have been called out to remove. Sometimes I think I missed my calling. Oh well, in this job I get to live a little of that animal planet fantasy.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Owls in the Attic
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 92 New Listing
Check out this home! Incredible opportunity for one of you out there.
This is Dave, with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
New Listing
Monday, May 23, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 91 Nostradamus
I was able to hit the gym for the first time in a few months and it felt pretty good. A little cardio to get the heart going and some iron for the mirror :), okay stop laughing at me. I had a light conversation on real estate with a friend and mentioned I had seen their house and we talked pricing and square feet, sort of the normal chat when it comes to people and their homes. Well a few minutes had passed and then I heard my friend ask Nostradamus, oh Nostradamus, how long until the market recovers? I kind of wish the question would have started Adonis, oh Adonis (The Handsome Greek God of desire and manly good looks.) See what one day in the gym can do for your self-confidence? So I answered and said we are a few years out and I gave some reasons for my thoughts. As I left, I thought that when people are asking that question, they really want to hear that the market is roaring back or on the rebound, good news is what they desire. How tough it must be for a doctor to give grim news or a boss to deliver the lay off notices. So tonight, I am pondering how to deliver not so great real estate news in a very positive way.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 90 The Phone On
Talking away about the last house feeling free to unload on the many upgrades that the house lacked, the buyers and I were having a grand old time. And then it happened. The car speaker said "If you are through recording your message touch one or please hang up." Gulp! Yikes! We all laughed knowing the call was not to the owner of that house but wow, what a moment of terror that hit me like a lightning bolt. All truthful comments but better left unspoken while on the phone leaving a message unknowlingly. I think we can all agree on this point.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Phone On
Saturday, May 21, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 89 The Text Message
In life, some people are better than others at certain things. This is a simple truth. Recently, I have noticed that there are professionals in the field of texting. The thoughts, the fingers, the mind all work in perfect sync as their phones light up streaming messages back and forth at what seems like the speed of light. I have to give the nod to the younger ones who seem to have the keyboard attached as one of their limbs. Here is the recent birth announcement at one of the local hospitals: Mr. & Mrs Johnson had a healthy baby boy, 10 fingers, 10 toes and a normal keyboard.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Test Message
Thursday, May 19, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 88 Push, Nudge or Shove
Offers come in and sellers agonize over what to do. Advice comes flooding in from friends, family, and neighbors and so many times the realtor is in a very hard spot. Does the realtor push, nudge or shove? The answer is none of the above. We explain the benefits, the pitfalls, the comparables, the contingencies and market conditions and that should be it. I have always said, the seller will decide what they sell for. If we provide all the information, our duties are fulfilled and the seller will be responsible for the direction they take. Many times I have felt sellers have chosen the wrong direction or picked the wrong counter price and many times deals have faded away but more often than not, when sellers are provided all the information, they usually get it right. No pushing, nudging or shoving just advising..
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Nudge or Shove,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 87 Relay For Life
Students, teachers, parents, families all meet at a high school to participate in a massive fundraiser to help raise money for cancer cures. Friday night at Agoura High School the event kicks off at 6PM and this is an all nighter lasting until 8 AM Saturday morning. I hope many of you can participate and swing by the snack bar from 11PM to 3AM where I will be selling snacks. Hopefully, I can switch gears from selling homes to Hot Cocoa and Snickers.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Relay For Life
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 86 Las Vegas Luxury
A gathering of 300 plus luxury home agents from around the country all sharing ideas about the luxury market in their particular areas. It amazes me that 400-500 thousand in some markets is luxury and then in some markets that number begins at 2 Million. Did I come back with any new secret weapons? Yes, but I can't share with you because it happened in Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I will say to keep an eye out on our websites and social media areas as we start to unveil some "secret weapons."
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Las Vegas Luxury
Monday, May 16, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 85 - Ahhhhhhhhhh

Simple pleasures in life. Gotta grab a few every day. Sit back, relax, with your favorite beverage and your favorite friend, dogs included :) By the way, this is a new listing of ours in Oak Park, 421 Sunny Brook.
This is Laurie, with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 84 Just Moved In

This new family just moved in to Westlake Island and unlike most smart families, these feathered friends did not need the services of The McLaughlin Group.
This is Laurie, of The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Just Moved In
Saturday, May 14, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 83 Leader is Gone
OK, Dave has left the team for 3 days for a Luxury Homes Conference.....and we are in charge, hee hee. Pizza has been ordered, balcony table has been set, music is on and friends have been called. Wait, are we getting this wrong? Dave said that this weekend will be jamming....what exactly does that mean? We might have to cancel the band.
This is Laurie, with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Laurie, with The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Leader is Gone
Friday, May 13, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 82 The Heat

As we approach summer, so many of us forget that the Conejo Valley heats up over the next few weeks. That is why I am attaching the new picture from our new listing on Lake Lindero Drive. Picture the cool down in this back yard and think about those hot summer evenings that are heading our way.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Heat
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 81 Perk Seekers
Recently Jet Man has been in the news flying over the Grand Canyon and before him it was Evil Knievel. These guys we all refer to as, thrill seekers, stretching the boundaries of sanity to perform stunts that are utterly pointless and dangerous. They seem to struggle with saying no to the craziest of death defying feats. There is a new breed emerging, opportunistic, quick to accept and always looking for the next perk. I now refer to them as perk seekers. They prefer to associate with friends for sure, but more importantly, friends who are connected. Whether it be a mountain cabin, beach condo, buddy passes on an airplane, invite to a cool party or a film premiere, and similar to the thrill seeker who can't say no, the perk seeker is unable to turn a freebie down. Hopefully, if you know one of these emerging characters, you realize this is a harmless flaw, not a fatal one.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Perk Seekers
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 80 I'm Spent
Two friends for many years parting ways and parting lives. Lots of that going on out there. Stuck in the middle doing a job, wanting to inspire, comfort and encourage but tasked to sell a home and not to choose sides. Real estate is not always easy and fun, in fact, it can be a highly charged and an emotionally exhausting job. Popping up at 2 or 3 in the morning, worried if you got it all right, wondering if the seller has secured a place to go or if the buyer will perform. I rest in the fact that the task was completed, the home closed and new paths may begin but I still think of my friends. I remember a few weeks back on the blog, when we posted that adorable photo of the baby smiling and saying something to the effect that this is how we want all our clients to look like after they close escrow. Unfortunately, in some circumstances, those smiles will never come and no celebration will occur.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
I'm Spent
Monday, May 9, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN - day 79 Hanging Out

Our group hanging at a local spot in Agoura. We love what we do!
This is the group, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Hanging Out
Sunday, May 8, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 78 Mother's Day
A special thank you to my mom on this day.
No better childhood could I have asked for, no better love ever offered, no better counsel ever given, no better support always provided, no better grandma to the girls and no better friend to a son than you have been. On this Mothers Day, I wanted you to know that your light is bright and you are loved.
To all the Moms, have the very best day.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
No better childhood could I have asked for, no better love ever offered, no better counsel ever given, no better support always provided, no better grandma to the girls and no better friend to a son than you have been. On this Mothers Day, I wanted you to know that your light is bright and you are loved.
To all the Moms, have the very best day.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 77 The Gala
What a terrific night last night as so many from the Conejo Valley gathered at the Four Seasons for a celebration of life, celebrating 20 Years for the Wellness Community. Inspirational stories of survival, volunteerism and charity all spinning on the axis of hope. The Wellness Community offers hope to those diagnosed with the cancer and hope to the families who are so impacted by that haunting news. You can put a price on most anything in this world but hope is truly priceless.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The Gala
Thursday, May 5, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 76 Humility
A quote from T.S Eliot: Humility is the most difficult of all virtues to achieve; nothing dies harder than the desire to think well of one's self.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 75 The 5 to 1 Method
Here is a great tip from a book titled Rock Solid Leadership: For every one time you offer constructive criticism, make sure to acknowledge them for five things they've done right.
Apply that rule to every relationship at work or home and I bet life would be a bit smoother for all.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Apply that rule to every relationship at work or home and I bet life would be a bit smoother for all.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
The 5 to 1 Method
Monday, May 2, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 74 Why Social Media?
Here is the answer in a nutshell. According to Parade magazine, 927 Million dollars was spent on online dating last year and 17% of all marriage's in the last 3 years met online. If it is good enough for meeting the love of your life, surely it must be good enough to help people find their next home. Check out our blog, like us on facebook or follow are tweets!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
Why Social Media?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
BLINDS WIDE OPEN -day 73 Desire
Is there any substitute for desire? Some attribute others' successes to luck, timing or connections but in reality, upon analysis, desire is always at the core. A quick story about a very successful NFL QB who rose to the top. This friend was not even a starter QB in high school, had to go through the Junior College system where in his final year he suffered a broken wrist but continued to play. He then transferred to North Carolina State where his first coaching staff was fired and in his senior year became the ACC Player of the year. On draft day he was overlooked, went to Canada and played there, got hurt, came back with the NFL strike and played in Atlanta, then went to the Detroit Lions and became a starter and then went on to the Chicago Bears where his name is littered across most of the Bear's passing records. What most people fail to realize is how easy it would have been for him to give up at any point along his path. Most do not comprehend the hurdles that were required and the unparalleled desire that burned inside of him. Any successful person, no matter the field, possesses this desire. Take a page from Erik Kramer's playbook and let that desire propel you up your mountain.
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
This is Dave, from The McLaughlin Group, keeping it real in real estate!
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